Community Umbrella Program
Need help starting up a community project?
The Community Umbrella Program may be able to help!
The NEON Community Umbrella Program supports community projects with fiscal sponsorship in Baker, Union, and Wallowa Counties.. A fiscal sponsor is a nonprofit “umbrella” organization whose 501(c)(3) status allows small community-based projects to operate as nonprofits with assistance from the sponsor without doing all of the paperworkrequired to be recognized as an independent nonprofit. A fiscal sponsor handles administrative and fiscal tasks so community volunteers don’t have to. It also allows them to seek tax-deductible donations and grants. This allows project volunteers to focus on doing project work rather than administrative work. Projects in this program may be small volunteer-led projects, projects needing sponsorship while they gain independent nonprofit status, and organizations that are already incorporated as nonprofits but do not yet have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

Apply for Fiscal Sponsorship Today!
The goal of the Umbrella Program is to help community projects reach their goals and positively impact their community by removing administrative barriers and facilitating fundraising. Aside from assuring that projects are working within nonprofit guidelines and moving towards the goals set in their grants, NEON will not provide day to day staffing or make decisions for projects. Our goal is to allow you to make your project what you want it to be!
Contact the Umbrella Program Manager
Stephanie VanLeuven
(541) 910-3360
Frequently Asked Questions
What is fiscal sponsorship?
A fiscal sponsor is a nonprofit "umbrella" organization whose 501(c)(3) status allows it to collect funds from donors and then administer them for the community project. It also handles administrative and fiscal tasks, so the community volunteers can focus fully on their projects.
Do projects need to apply to be fiscally sponsored by NEON?
Yes! We have a formal application that can be typed or handwritten. This can be found on our website on the “Fiscal Sponsorship,” page. All applications go through a formal review process.
If NEON is our fiscal sponsor, do they provide staffing for my project?
No, NEON does not provide staffing for projects. We suggest having a minimum of 2 members that can help lead your project and share the workload.
Does NEON write grants for my project?
No, but we will support you through this process by reviewing and providing guidance on grant writing and budget creation. Primary grant writing will be done by you and your team.
Does NEON provide liability insurance for projects accepted into the Umbrella Program?
Yes! NEON offers liability insurance coverage for all accepted programs.
If my project is awarded a grant, what happens with the funds?
NEON will manage, monitor, and handle your funds, including monthly funding reports, direct purchasing, reimbursements, and other fiscal tasks. You and your team will remain the decision-makers on how to use your money within the grant’s budget and allowable expenses – we just take some of the administrative responsibilities off your plate!
Is it required to be an established project to be accepted into the Umbrella Program?
Not necessarily. If you have an idea, the time, and the effort to run your project, we will support the development to get your idea up and running.
Does the Umbrella Program charge a fee?
Yes. When programs are fiscally sponsored it is common for organizations to apply a “fiscal fee” to cover administrative and operational costs. For projects in the Umbrella Program, NEON charges a fiscal fee of 10% of the project’s income.
Do projects need up-front money to be accepted for the Umbrella Program?
No! There is no upfront cost, so we can accept projects at all stages of development and financial readiness. Once your project starts receiving grant funds or other forms of income, NEON will charge a 10% fiscal fee.